Be More You

You've landed here because, if you're anything like I was, you've had enough of the pressure, anxiety and non-stop pace that has become today's life.
Perhaps you're struggling to tow-the-line between balance and burnout, getting shit done and self-sacrifice. Or maybe you're feeling directionless and have lost some meaning and connection to your life. ​Either way, the stress and frustration is building. You're overwhelmed and exhausted and you are totally over putting your yourself and your wellbeing on the back-burner.
You want that pep in your step. That excitement to get out of bed in the morning. That peace that comes from knowing whatever crazy shit life throws at you, you've got the ability and capacity to respond in a way that protects and nurtures you in mind, body and soul.
You want to feel inspired, energised and productive in your life - as the rule, rather than the exception. And, you want to feel free to start enjoying life... instead of just pushing through it.
So, if you're committed, driven and ready to press reset,
You've come to the right place!​
​​​​​​At SINDSRO we bring the science to the spiritual for maximum IMPACT. Giving you the tools to calm your body, master your mind and understand yourself on a deeper level so you can navigate life's pressure's while actually building your resilience to stress.
This is Meditation for Modern Life.​ This is Breathwork for Go-Getters.
Are you ready?!
​​​Let's F*cking Go.

You have to build your capacity to hold more. More responsibility, more pressure, more emotions...more STRESS, without smashing into burnout. That's where I come in...

Master your mind and build resilience to a high pressure world.​​
Learn the skills and practices that support your life in a way that leaves you free to live it.
Find out more about how this can help you...

Guided sessions created for your specific needs.
Supporting your nervous system in creating balance wherever you are at and helping you build resilience.

Group classes and workshops to educate, energise, unwind, connect and so much more!


​​“When I’ve had sessions before, we’ve discussed how I’m feeling and what I can do to help but never ‘why’ I might be feeling a certain way or ‘why’ certain practices work. I feel like I had a bit of a lightbulb moment and I feel like you understand my stress patterns quite quickly. Something clicked. Your gentle probing and questioning made me think about things and helped me to understand my stress better. I appreciated that your suggested practises are achievable and not overwhelming for me."

​​“ I felt relaxed and reassured that I was in a safe space for honest discussion. I especially enjoyed the deep dive into the nervous system and how it responds to stress and now I’m more able to recognise the warning signs before the stress overwhelms me...I felt very relaxed after and clear-headed. Such a treat. I think you offer a fantastic service and are clearly extremely knowledgeable on the subject. I think everyone would benefit from having your sessions as part of their regular self-care routine.”

“ I felt calm and almost revitalised which was unexpected... You gave me some great tools to start my meditation journey, I even practiced my first solo session this morning. I know so many people that would benefit from a session with you, as I did. Thank you again.”
“HUGELY helpful. So so informative and could relate to much of what you covered. It's making me stand back and look at my "stresses" in a very different way. I know I have to do something or the bubbling pot will boil over at some point! .”
Your stress has more to do with how you see the world and respond to it than what is actually happening in it.
And, because everything we experience is translated through our own unique lens of the world, our ability and threshold to manage stressors is different for everyone.
That's why there's not point comparing yourself to 'Tracey' or 'Jeff'. And, it's essential to become aware of our own patterns of thinking, feeling and behaviour.
Because the only real control we have over our lives is in our own thoughts, feelings, and responses to life.
And there you have SO much more power than you may think.

My Mission
Life's too short to spend it stressed-out and miserable.
We're here to build a community... a MOVEMENT of people who know exactly how to live thier ultimate lives while giving stress the finger.
We want to help people with big hearts and big ambitions accomplish their goals without the chronic stress and burnout that follows. Our mission is to help build a world where success does not mean sacrificing your health and business doesn't mean self-neglect and trashing your nervous system.
We want to build a culture of self-maintenance where wellbeing tools are common sense, accessible and effective so we can SOAR in our lives at home and at work.